archived-videos Something Up There


Hey everyone -- here is our latest release!

This one is written and directed by Paul, with assistance from the traditional crew. You've seen Paul as an actor in some of our previous movies (Lullaby, French Onion). This is the first movie he has led working with this team. He hopes you like it.




Go here and choose which version you want to watch from this page
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That was amazing. First, I'm going to have nightmares now. Secondly, I hope this is submitted to film festivals, because it's an awesome short. Thirdly, big freaking kudos to the sound design and music... charles- brilliant. I could see this sweeping the sound and music categories- really guides the mood.
Fourth, now I'm afraid of
. Fifth,
Iiiii get it, Jack the Ripper?
Sixth, Love the French Onion tie-in. Seventh, if
the dude from Finger (in his underwear)
up in my attic, I'd probably run. LOL

The shots looked crisp and the audio was KEY. Great performances too- loved the CU of the eyes at the attic door. Brilliant work. Now I'm off to bed to have nightmares. lol
...oh, I saw the clip/trailer for this on your website! I plan to check it out as soon as I get a chance! :eek:

-- spinner :cool:
Okay. That was amazing. It was thrilling, scary, very suspenseful, and creepy. the sound design was brilliant- i really have no other way to describe it. As a horror/suspense producer myself, i loved this. Alot.

Just a couple questions on how you did a couple things-

1.) how did you get that shaky font? (like at the beginning where it says "something up there" and its all
flickery? How did you create that effect?)

2.) what program did your sound design use for all those electronic noises and such?

Very nice job, hope to see more from you guys!

Yay! I got to see it!:woohoo:

Okay, first: great music! At first its alittle "Casio", but the rest of the music throughout, terrific! Just what scary music should be and well used.

I thought the shots were well thought out, I liked the 'canted' shots.
Maybe a slight slow-mo on the blood so it doesn't look like its being 'poured' out.

I thought it was good! I didn't really expect the ending so good job :)

-- spinner :cool:
1.) how did you get that shaky font? (like at the beginning where it says "something up there" and its all flickery? How did you create that effect?)

We applied a "film effect" filter to the text overlay, and turned off all of the film effect options except for "jitter."

2.) what program did your sound design use for all those electronic noises and such?

I can't answer that -- Charles is the audio/music guy. He said he would try to reply here soon! :)

And thanks for your kind review!
2.) what program did your sound design use for all those electronic noises and such?

A lot of what you hear is coming from my sample library. I have been collecting (and sometimes creating) samples of various sound effects and instruments for the past few years to create this library. Some sounds may even be made simply with someone's mouth and a whole lot of audio effects.

Anything that resembles creepy "electronic" noise or music was programmed and performed with the Korg "Wavestation" VST plug-in.

If you have specific questions about a certain point in the movie, let me know where it's happening (minutes and seconds into the movie), and I'll tell you what you're hearing. Feel free to email me or send a Private Message.


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Looks like it was edited and output on a PC...the gamma is different on the mac and the image looks really washed out on my screen. I just know that it's probably not on your screen as I've seen this difference before.
Looks like it was edited and output on a PC...the gamma is different on the mac and the image looks really washed out on my screen. I just know that it's probably not on your screen as I've seen this difference before.

Knightly -- thanks for the info. Are you aware of a setting we can change to export an "optimized for Mac" version of the movie? We use Sony Vegas, if that helps.
Very, very enjoyable and well put together. Yes, this has festival written all over it. And I can see it on the Sundance channel already.
ATTENTION Mac users / QuickTime fans --

A Quick Time .mov version of the movie has been added to our website. You can find the link to it in the first post of this thread.

Knightly -- would you please try this version nad let me know if you still have the same washed-out issue? Thanks!

And again -- thanks everyone for the comments and reviews!
Hey gang, it's Paul for Late and Awake Productions, writer, director and one of the stars of Something Up There! I just want to say thank you all soooo much for the wonderful words about my project Something Up There. I don't have too much time at the moment, but in brief, this project could not have been possible without the help of my best friends, Brian A. Terranova, and Charles and John for Bophe, and of Course the lovely and beautifully talented Jamal Heacock. We live relatively in the same neck of the woods, and love working towards our goals in making these little projects. I want to address some comments and questions directly as well s rant about few things when I get a moment, even though I had John and Charles answer most of them (i forgot my password and couldn't post them myself, plus they are the tech guys on this!). But basically, I'm very happy with the results, and am looking forward to getting Something Up There into the eyes and brains of as many people as I can! I also want to say, I'm currently trying to work on a mini (almost a short video blog) documentary (for the bophe site) about how Bophe, and Brian and Myself all got together, what we're about, and stuff. I also want to say I've seen a bunch of your films on here in past years mostly through the various halloween contests, and have had a great time doing it, and like being part of this little film world! That's it for now, I'll be back soon, and more importantly thanks again, because it's a nice welcome to this place! Here's to Persistence and Determination!!!