archived-videos Something to Be Desired: Last Episode!

Well, last episode of Season Two, anyway...

For those of you who don't pop by the Something to Be Desired website regularly, this is your alert that Episode 12 of STBD: Season Two, featuring the conclusion of Dean's quest to redeem himself and save the radio station, the culmination of the Caroline / Andy breakup, and a few twists thrown in for good measure, is now complete...

... except it's so freaking huge, it had to be split into three sections. Thus: (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes)

And, for you MAC folks: (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes)

The final episode will soon be collected into one (gargantuan) file, but in the meantime, these bite-sized versions should keep everyone up-to-date. In addition, if you've missed any recent episodes, they're now accessible from our homepage at

This season has been a blast, during which time we've created over three hours' worth of original content, solved numerous logistics and story problems, and still somehow managed to tell a coherent and engaging story of a bunch of 20-something DJs at a struggling indie radio station. Next season, now that we have a pretty decent idea of how to do what it is we do, we intend to begin pushing the envelope even further.

Thanks for your ongoing interest and support, and we'll see you again in February!
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35 minutes?

I'll be downloading this badboy as soon as I reinstall QT on my new comp.

35 freaky minutes! No wonder it was late coming out. You normally have them out like clockwork!

Zensteve said:
35 freaky minutes! No wonder it was late coming out. You normally have them out like clockwork!


Tell me about it.

I thought the episode might be a little long. Turns out, as I was editing it, it became a LOT long...

Perhaps I'll start storyboarding next season...
That was a fantastic end to the season, good sir! :cheers:

Was very weird to see such a long episode, but I'm not complaining.

You've got a lot of open story-threads to deal with, for the next season. Going to be going back to shorter episodes? If so, you'll be having to plan the arcs out pretty well.

I want a cameo, next time I'm in Pittsburgh. :cool:

Also, was WQED the NPR station? I think that's what I used to listen to, when I lived in PA & DE.

Fantastic show, Mr STBD.

(Now get to work on that DVD)
Much appreciated, Steve. It was weird doing such a long episode for me, too...

Next season, we'll have everything planned out a little more stringently. I've learned that spending less time making episodes and more time promoting episodes means more people will see more episodes -- which is a good thing.

WQED is our classical non-profit station. I believe NPR can be heard on WDUQ, over at Duquesne.

Where HAVEN'T you lived?
Ok--so this probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I went ahead and watched the full episode 12 without having any previous exposure to the series. I must say...I really enjoyed the show, even though I felt like I came in at the end of a good joke! The editing was a real stand-out for me, and I thought the characters were well-developed. I will need to go back for some history now. Great work!
John@Bophe said:
Ok--so this probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I went ahead and watched the full episode 12 without having any previous exposure to the series. I must say...I really enjoyed the show, even though I felt like I came in at the end of a good joke! The editing was a real stand-out for me, and I thought the characters were well-developed. I will need to go back for some history now. Great work!

Thanks John! I know it can be confusing to come in at the tail end of an ongoing story, but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it enough to go back for more. Hopefully the rest of the season holds up in reverse...