Someone Specifiy Please



Could somebody please tell me the specific job for a producer?

Please reply
AKA: Prod
The chief of a movie production in all matters save the creative efforts of the director. A producer is responsible for raising funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors.

Hope that helps ya out. ;)
There are many different types of producers and some variation of producer is usually giveaway titles for ingratiating investors, and they don’t actually do any work besides give away their money. However a true working producer oversees all aspects of production from conception to distribution. A Line Producer oversees all aspects of production from after the film has the green light until the film’s in the can and is the boss of the UPM.
Al good answers but let's not minimize the role and importance of the executive producer. Remember - without him/her there is no movie! Yes, all movies have an executive producer, whether the credit is given or not. That is, all movies have someone who either found the money and gave the funds. A second point to remember is that good executive producers will remain involved in the production aspects of the film from development through distribution, for it is his money - or point participation - that is in the line.

Just thought I would give my 2cts from the executive producer perspective. Cheers.
a slightly different spin

Great, one would almost say text book answers.

I'd like to add to a couple of more things into the Producer definition:

1) The person that everyone turns to when things start to go wrong

2) The person with overall responsibility to make the picture happen


3) The person with the final say so on almost everything

If you find a good one, stick with them, they're the people that make the whole thing work.
I've been very, very lucky with mine.