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Some questions for editors

If I shoot in Red RAW, is that the format I give to my editor? Should I be converting to ProRes first? If so, can I convert it back to RAW for when I need to do advanced color grading?

Is it the editor's job to sync externally recorded sound on every take so he can accurately choose the best performance? What's the workflow for that? This part seems just as tedious as the actual editing itself, even with proper slating.
Give him RAW, unless he offers you a discount to create proxies. You won't be able to go back to RAW from ProRes unless you set up a proxy edit and keep ALL the original files.

Syncing isn't a big deal. If you wanted to save some money and sync it yourself you could, but as an editor I usually do the syncing myself. Now I use pluraleyes to do it and let it run overnight and it's great. Just have to do a little cleanup/touchup when it's finished.