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watch Some of my work

I'd just like to put a few links out of my music composition. I'm curious to know what others think. Of course, when I let my friends listen they tell me how great it is, so maybe I would get a less bias opinion. :)


This is a electronic piece I did a few years back which I'm particularly proud of:


So, I'm wondering, do any other of you composers have the problem of having a hard time finding inspiration unless you have a image(s) to get started? I particularly have trouble just coming up with something from nothing, but if I see something that inspires me, music seems to just flow out. Anybody else like that?
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I'd just like to put a few links out of my work. I'm curious to know what others think. Of course, when I let my friends listen they tell me how great it is, so maybe I would get a less bias opinion.

I like your tracks. They would definitely fit underneath a scene and elevate it. If I can offer a suggestion, it would be to evolve your songs more. They start out good, but after a while there isn't a lot of changing of instruments or composition. The songs seem to stay in one place.

This kind of applies to your comment, below, but I can see images helping you to change up the rhythm and moods. I think scoring a trailer is a good example, as the pace is all over the place. A trailer usually introduces images, with strong mood and atmosphere, then some character bits, and then a furious montage. That is kind of an extreme side of the spectrum, but your songs could benefit by slowing down, building up and riding a wave with peaks and valleys.

So, I'm wondering, do any other of you composers have the problem of having a hard time finding inspiration unless you have a image(s) to get started? I particularly have trouble just coming up with something from nothing, but if I see something that inspires me, music seems to just flow out. Anybody else like that?

As a filmmaker, I usually get ideas for images and mood, by playing random chords and intervals. I just put my hands on the keyboard and let my fingers fall where they may. If I do hit composer's block, then I'll load in some old compositions to juice me up.
Thanks scoop! I never got the criticism about the music staying in one place, but now you mention it, I completely agree. It's like a "aha! duh" moment for me, lol.

As far as writing goes, I pretty much do what you do, with the exception that it seems to lead nowhere without something to guide it on. Hence why writing for films would seem logical, simply because it gives me the inspiration to compose more.

Thanks for the advice!
Cool. You've got the chops for scoring.

As for guiding your composition, you could pick a scene that you like from any movie, turn the volume off, and do your own rendition of it. You could also take on somebody's short movie and see how that goes.
'Industry' reminded me of the score for The Bourne Identity no less which was composed by John Powell and truely underated man. I agree it does 'stay in the same place' for a while but other than that you are really talented.

I was just discussing with my friend how we needed a composer for a short film we're making this summer and I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing it? Once I have more details I'll message you.