Some Help?

I'm a freshman in high-school and I'm looking to make my first short film. I've made a few really short films with friends, and by really short I mean 2-3 minutes. Now I'm looking to make something a little longer.

My biggest problem at the moment is the lack of a script. I want to do a horror film with a small cast. I've been thinking about writing the script myself, but I don't really think of myself as much of a writer.
EDIT: Here are a few of my ideas, tell me what you think.

Another issue that might cause some trouble is I don't have any editing software than Windows Movie Maker and I don't know how much I can do with that.

There are a few minor issues that I can definitely deal with, but I'll feel you in on them anyway.
-My camera also isn't the greatest, its a Sony DCR-SR45, it gets the job done, but its nothing special.
-I'm broke and my parents might be able to provide me with a little cash, but my budget is very small.

I guess I'm just trying to find out what I can do in my situation. Any help or suggestions or welcome.
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-My camera also isn't the greatest, its a Sony DCR-SR45, it gets the job done

A camera that ain't the greatest is better than no camera at all.

Btw, you don't need to own a camera to make a film. Ask some of your friends if they have one you can borrow. Ask your friends' parents if they have one you can borrow. Ask your school's a/v department if they have one you can borrow. Make freinds with someone who wants to be a cinematographer - that's always a good bet.

It also sounds like you'll be using Windows Movie Maker for a while. Unless you know someone who wants to be an editor, and they have something better. They can do it! Or maybe your school has computer classes in editing - use their gear.

been thinking about writing the script myself, but I don't really think of myself as much of a writer

There's no reason why you should have to write it yourself.

Noticing a pattern yet? ;)

The art of filmmaking is not a solo operation. It requires teamwork, coordination and knowing what you can best do for it. It won't be all of it, for sure. Figure out what you like doing (or what you can do) - and make friends/pay/bribe/blackmail others who can better do what you can't.

Knowing this will ensure you still have a full head of hair at 30.

I'm broke and my parents might be able to provide me with a little cash, but my budget is very small.

Then you will be making films on a very small budget. :idea:

The first thing you need to do is this:

Get a job

This is awesome, 'cos

1) You make money

2) People will take you more seriously when you say, "I'm bagging groceries at S-Mart to earn money for my next film project, but it would help out a lot if I could borrow that camera/computer/car/light/table/whatever for the production."

3) It builds character, and you get to pay taxes. Awesome!

Good luck with your projects! I wish I'd started as young as you.

Thanks Zensteve, are there any good editing programs that are relatively cheap?

Also, do you have any basic idea for a horror story? I need a basic idea I can take and run with
Follow this link: Someone just asked the same thing a few minutes ago

I can't really suggest any good ideas. Wouldn't know where to start or end.

I'm sure others here will throw a few ideas your way. :)


Heres a basic idea, tell me what you think. A group of teenagers, that will be played by myself and a few friends, are going out to the country to camp. They get out to their campsite and everything is going well. Then they learn a lot of teenage boys have been disappearing in that area, they don't really think anything of it until one of them goes missing...

Thats it for now, I think I could go somewhere with that. Probably film it from my own perspective like in The Blair Witch Project. Any suggestions or thoughts?
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Hi Chilidogg. On the ideas front I may be able to help a little.

I'm not going to tell you an idea though, you have to think that one up yourself! But you do need to think about a few things, structure of the story, ask yourself 'is this a film I would want to watch?'.

You mentioned you have done shorts 2 - 3 minutes but your looking to make a longer one? Some of the best shorts I have seen have been under 3 minutes, so dont let the idea that a longer short say of 10 minutes would be better. Infact, I would say its more challenging to make one thats 2 - 3 minutes.

Also, I know your young so its best just to try and try again and you will naturally work this out for yourself, but with your story make sure you dont fall into the typical Cliché. Whats your stories unique selling point? Whats going to make someone want to watch your film?

As long as you have these questions in mind, you should avoid a 'bad' film, I hope.