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So, You're an Editor?

That's funny. I'm not anywhere near the professional industry, but I believe this to be true. Most people I've spoken to on the subject have absolutely no clue what an editor does. I think they think it's just a technical skill.
That's funny. I'm not anywhere near the professional industry, but I believe this to be true. Most people I've spoken to on the subject have absolutely no clue what an editor does. I think they think it's just a technical skill.

The Editor and the DP are the two people who can radically alter a director's vision of a film. That's why a director has to have a good relationship with them, and tends to work over and over with ones he likes.
The Editor and the DP are the two people who can radically alter a director's vision of a film. That's why a director has to have a good relationship with them, and tends to work over and over with ones he likes.

Word. So, I can't wait until I have the opportunity to work with a DP, cuz that's totally not what I do. I don't think I'll ever be able to relinquish control to an editor, though. I know that flies against conventional logic, but it's a process that I really enjoy and think I'm good at, and I want my vision. If ever I have someone else edit my own work, you can safely assume I'll be very hands-on in post.

This might seem kinda silly, but maybe it's a valid question. The logic of having someone else edit your work -- is that outdated? Back in the day, editing was a very technical and tedious process. Nowadays, it's pretty damn simple, if you're tech-savvy.

Yeah, I've heard the drawbacks of editing your own work, say for example, it's more difficult to kill your babies. But isn't that what feedback is for? Isn't that why you seek outside opinions? And can't you just be honest with yourself and kill those damn babies? I dunno; maybe I'm just saying that cuz I've never had someone else edit my work. I would find it very difficult to do so.
When I edited TNN, a news show, I had full creative control to a certain point. I did get in trouble because I pulled a clip of an anchor saying something and posted it on YouTube. "It was like a premature ejaculation." Yeah. No bueno.
How it's supposed to work.
The editor is the representative of the audience. Pacing, what makes sense to them is his perspective. The director represents his vision. Together they find a way to translate his vision to the audience in the best way for everybody.

The editor in the bit has it right in that their big influence is the first cut. The editor has your notes, but is almost total control at that point. It generally becomes more collaborative from there whether the editor is working with the director or the producer.
I thought that was hilarious! But would like to mention that 9 of the 10 films nominated for best picture this year were edited on Final Cut Pro.

I would also like to say that editing is not necessarily 'simple'. It's like teaching a person to run a camera. You can show a person how to do it, but you can't make them good at it. I've seen some poorly edited indie films. I'm hope I am better than I used to be.

I would think that in indie films it is easier for the DP and Editor to work together. I feel that my job is to make the director's vision a reality in the best way possible. So no, the idea of having someone else edit for you is not 'outdated'. Editing isn't only cutting the story together. It's color and how the film looks - be that dark or grainy. It's about pacing and how it moves the story along. It's about knowing when to cut away from someone during a conversation and when to have a reaction shot. ALOT of people don't know when to do that. And as for not wanting to cut your own films, I think we all are familiar with the Director's Cut of a film. It's not only about being honest with yourself. Sometimes it's about being true to the story and vision. Many films drop the ball here and not only indie films.

But then again, as an independent filmmaker, I figure I can do what I want....:D

-- spinner :cool: