So, where can we compete?

I'm a relatively new filmmaker, and although I have some projects in progress and ones planned for this summer for myself to broaden my portfolio and experience, I have come across some video/film competitions and websites related to them.

To me this seems like a good idea as a way to compete with others, get feedback, and strive to win so if I ever do get a good place in a competition I'll know I'm getting somewhere with my work, and if I'm lucky earn by doing it. I see this as a good way to try lots of different types of filmmaking in short projects and see where I can excel.

I have found

If there is more that you know of, such as websites that have recurring competitions like FilmFights I'd love to know!

Thanks for the addition, I subscribe to their YT didn't bother checking the website, it's good that it allows you to select international as a sort option, didn't realise thought I had to go through the videos, thanks!

Yeah, the international filter is a big help, sucks to get all excited about one only to find it's not available in your country!
