Not really certain this is the best section for this, but since I work "On the Set," my question pretty much applies to that, I guess.
I was just looking back at one of the emails I sent for a gig recently. (They called me up for an interview, and I wanted to refresh my memory at who they were.) Two things struck me about the note I sent them along with a simple-text resume (in the email, not as an attachment).
That I write these rather informally. All of them are on the very short side, give my contact info, and point to the resume at the end of the note. This seems to have been the most effective when sending out apps to people I've not met. This one in particular I initially thought that I pushed the informality too far, but perhaps not.
I have the nasty habit of starting the majority of sentences with the word "I." I recall from my days in the world where formal cover letters were mandatory that this is a no-no. Here's where I need some help. Any useful phrases for starting sentences that describe your experience other than "I have," "I am," "In the past," and similar cliches?
Ideally, this sort of blind application wouldn't be part of my regular routine. But my limited contacts, combined with being in a very competitive market (lots of pros up here), and in a rather crappy economic backdrop, well, I still hit the internet looking for work regularly.
I was just looking back at one of the emails I sent for a gig recently. (They called me up for an interview, and I wanted to refresh my memory at who they were.) Two things struck me about the note I sent them along with a simple-text resume (in the email, not as an attachment).
That I write these rather informally. All of them are on the very short side, give my contact info, and point to the resume at the end of the note. This seems to have been the most effective when sending out apps to people I've not met. This one in particular I initially thought that I pushed the informality too far, but perhaps not.
I have the nasty habit of starting the majority of sentences with the word "I." I recall from my days in the world where formal cover letters were mandatory that this is a no-no. Here's where I need some help. Any useful phrases for starting sentences that describe your experience other than "I have," "I am," "In the past," and similar cliches?
Ideally, this sort of blind application wouldn't be part of my regular routine. But my limited contacts, combined with being in a very competitive market (lots of pros up here), and in a rather crappy economic backdrop, well, I still hit the internet looking for work regularly.