Alright, let's see if I can explain this.
and sorry to not get back right away, me and Mike switch off on the boards so sometimes I miss stuff, sorry
I don't think I'll ever put the movies together as the original feature intended because it just wouldn't haappen, wouldn't make sense, I don't know. I broke them up into shorts becasue I screwed up as director and knew I couldn't ever finish the movie, I had been working on it for 3 or 4 years and wasn't getting anywhere but in a bigger hole that i kept digging. I was 19 when I started making Pinata which was origianlly a 3 minute project for class, then I decided to add stuff to make it more violent and more sex (something my typical 19 year old age brain was thinking) so then it became a 20 minute film. Then I decided why not just make it a feature. Then I had to re-shoot because some poeple decided they didn't want to be involved in a movie with the content it contained and they unfortunately were actor, not crew, so i had to re-shoot, in which case I re-wrote again. Then I had more people try and sue me cause they didn't like the way I was editing it, but f*ck them cause they signed contracts, so that blew over but I was still pissed and it made me reconsider stuff again, finally I just had so many problems with It and realized I just needed to start over on another film, but this time it would be a short film which ended up being "Isolation"
But I decided, evenbtually, to make short films out of this failed feature "Pinata" so it wouldn't go to waste and have recieved about 30-40 fest screenings and tv programming, etc. since last year so I feel it was a good choice, but I will probably never try and do the painful task of making it all one movie, but then again you never know.
As far as the yellow colors, I hate video w/ a passion. everything about the look is wrong to me, I want to make movies, not home videos, so for "Pinata" I came up with this high-contrast yellow. Maybe it didn't look like a high-quality film but it defintly wasn't home video looking. So all the shorts that originated from "Pinata" pretty much have that look.
My other movies like "Isolation" and "Cold Heat" are black and white as that aatracted me. And my upcoming feature have yet another look. ANything I can do to make it look unique and athentic and not like video is what I try to do.
well, I don't mean to sound harsh or blunt, just trying to write quick, gotta go to my shit job.
Hope this helped explain thing, catch ya later
Shane Ryan