So many people here now

Its very long long time scince last viisted. I find suddently there are so many people come to communicate here than before.
whats news?
Time goes fast, new tech ocur rapidly. whats new tech do you prefer in the field of movies or digital equipment?
How do you think the film will be replaced by state device gradually, like DV or DC instead of film camera ?
What news on sound system?
The technology moves fast, but the delivery systems are still stuck on whatever the consumer has in their living rooms. So your Piece that you weaseled someone to shoot on their newly acquired RED as a test film will still end up delivered on SD to festivals so they can fit it in their DVD + Off The Shelf projector. That 4K copy sitting there staring at you longingly.

I'm sticking to my SD until the consumer end of the market shifts. Even HD has to be dumbed down (although I think it looks better in SD than SD cameras can output). Still waiting and learning on SD (the techniques all transfer...especially if you stop white balancing and use the indoor/outdoor presets and adjust your lighting rather than your camera - then you have a more filmic look/outlook as you spend more time on lighting and color palette).

...(the techniques all transfer...especially if you stop white balancing and use the indoor/outdoor presets and adjust your lighting rather than your camera - then you have a more filmic look/outlook as you spend more time on lighting and color palette).

Now there's an interesting little gem that I hadn't thought of. Good point. Thank you for that insight.
In terms of technology I think the big change at the moment is the gradual death of tape. Direct to Hardrive/flashcard/P2card is without doubt the future of production. The advantages of non-tape recording are huge, both in production and post production.

HD has done the damage to film I suspected and I think the days of SD are numbered - five years max.

However, I think all of this pales into insignificance in comparison with the advances in post production. I think where the most significant changes at the moment are all in post-production -- in particular 3D animation, CGI and effects. There are a lots of really interesting new developments in this arena and I expect to see the first truly "indie" animated feature film to hit the cinema by about 2010. I also think it will rock Hollywood to its core, simply because animation is about to get easy, fast and incredibly cheap.

My best guess is that this is where we'll see an explosion of single person content production.

In other arenas I think sometime in the next three years web based distribution will start to do to the DVD market what iTunes has done to CD sales.
New tech goes to fast and far tomore.
RED has gone to scarlet. and then...?
5k, 8k? or 16k? for more than 35mm 70mm?
too huge digital data steam value. next when we see movies in theater, we shall see more good than 70mm film. it can be interact and stereo...
Well...though you may not gather it from the posts I make...I do feel like I'm definitely learning more since I got here.

And I've met some really great people through the promotion of my zine.

Which is always good.