archived-videos Snowy Like

Hey guys,

I went out for a hike yesterday and brought my DVX along. I managed to shoot some semi-decent (read, crappy) snow footage and so I figured I would post an edited version. It was freaking cold out and the tripod head kept sticking due to the cold (this is a fluid head)! It was even cold enough that the viewfinder would fog up just from being around my eye!

Anyway, it's a rough edit of rough footage but I enjoyed shooting it. Premiere also seems to be giving me trouble with crossfades for some reason... not sure why. Anyway, without further excuses for myself :D I present the Snowy Like footage:

*Please right click and save. I don't know how much my server can handle.*
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I hate heat :-/. It just doesn't do anything for me. In fact I'm usually sweating when the temperature approaches 80F. I suppose I'm just weird though.
Shaw said:
I hate heat :-/. It just doesn't do anything for me. In fact I'm usually sweating when the temperature approaches 80F. I suppose I'm just weird though.

Beautiful Shaw...nice job.

Glad you liked it Chris :). It's really quite rough around the edges and the pans 100% sucked but it was fun to shoot!
Looks good Shaw, I love nature stuff!

I may shoot some snow stuff here too soon, we'll see. Have to get my viewfinder fixed first.
Thanks WideShot :)

You should! I'd love to see it! Sorry to hear about the viewfinder! What camera do you use?
I'll have some snow stuff fairly soon too, whenever I get all my ducks in a row for my ice fishing short... Of course it'll be in black and white, but whatever. :)
Hey Shaw, I would like the see the video. Do you have it in QuickTime format? There is no way I am ever installing Windows Media Player on my PowerBook.
I tried to export a quicktime version the other day but it refuses to work correctly for some reason. I keep getting quicktime errors everytime I try to open the exported movie. I'll give it a try again though as I really need to get quicktime exports working again - I hate WMV as well.