I am curently working on an independent sci-fi feature film called smartparts, along with project partners Mark Benard (Lost Boys Studios) and writer/director Derek Franson.
The film’s story is about a small-time grifter named Rodney Ubay, who having just successfully pulled off a dangerous con, rents a storage cubical in a giant warehouse as a temporary hideout before catching a flight to his buyer. Unfortunately for Rodney, he is not the only one hiding out in this giant warehouse. Several fugitive robots from a discontinued and long forgotten 1950’s military program, have called this storage facility home for a very long time. And one of them, the really big one, seems to have gone insane.
We are really trying to capture an entertaining mix of action and humor with this film. Odd characters, in outrageous situations, without falling into over-the-top camp. It is a pretty ambitious project, requiring a large amount 3D computer animation and complex visual effects work.
We have a 4 minute promo clip (48 MEGs) which is downloadable from the film’s website http://www.smartpartsthemovie.com/SmartPartsTeaser.mov , as well as some design artwork, synopsis, and filmmaker bios. Posted below is a couple of low-res stills from the promo clip, and a piece of production design art.

We expect to finalize our financing over Summer/Fall and begin production this Winter. The films' buget is roughly $2.5 million, with the majority of that going towards computer animation. We plan to shoot 24P High Def. The promo was shot on mini-DV with just a standard lense.
Hope you enjoy the clip...
Justin James
Brainstorm Productions Inc.
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