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format Slugs and dialog formatting.

A slugline should look like this: INT. AIRPORT - DAY

All in CAPS in courier font.

You write "INT." if the scene is indoors, "EXT." if the scene is outdoors, "INT./EXT." if the scene counts as both e.g. takes place on a doorstep.

The location the scene is set comes next.

Then the time of day, it depends who you listen to with this, some people say it should just be either "DAY" or "NIGHT" you write here, and then you specify the exact conditions in the scene description. But i've seen "DAWN" and "DUSK" appear in a lot of proffesional screenplays.

DIALOGUE is set in from the margin, the characters name appears in CAPS 4" from the margin, beneath that if you want a personal direction, it appears in brackets 3.5" from the margin, the dialogue then follows beneath. Look at this example: http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/pulp_fiction.html

If you want to get a professional format, hassle free, you could try downloading a script writing program, I know that "Celtx" is a widely respected script writing software program, and its FREE.
