archived-videos 'SLL' - 2 min informercial (one minute everything can be great, the next..nothing)

I didn't take that as an infomercial at all. However, I really liked it a lot! It was surprising at the end. I very good twist. I have to pause the short to read the message though. went by a little fast.

If that was a test, I can't wait to see the real thing!

Great Job!
Hahaha...I love the spedup 'bobbin head' montage. Nice job. Nice FX also.

I also really liked the music from Anima Mundi at the beginning also.

I've been wanting to do that effect for a LOOONG time, but I couldn't figure out how to make a real enough dummy without buying one (and they are EXPENSIVE)...any pointers on how you came up with the dummy?

Great first I was like, " this going anywhere?" then BOOM....and the "Stop. Look. Listen." thing at the end made it so much more funny.
I didnt make a dummy, it was all done in After Effects, i wrote how it was done in the Indie Forum on the "Hitting someone with a car" thread. Cheers guys, glad you like it, better one will be made soon, maybe with a train or bus...........milk float?