
Hello everyone, I am currently planning a slasher movie like classics such as Halloween and Friday the 13th. Im a big fan of these type of films and would like to mess around with one. Now this is going to be an uber low budget amature film. So far I have written the story and I am finishing up the screen play. I am designing costumes and props aswell. I was wondering if anyone here had any advice, has anyone ever done a slasher flick here? Its roughly gonna be about 30 minutes or so.

Thanks for any assistance it's very much appreciated.
do you want to show it on film festivals?

then my only advice would be not to make 30 mins. Keep it under 10.

I did want to but you cant really have it progress at all in under 10 so I guess its just gonna be to show to who ever wants to see. The Script is longer then like 9 minutes. Its unfortunate but what are you gonna do.

I mean I can try cutting it down.
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If you're doing it just because you want to do it, then yeah, length doesn't matter. 30 is a sort of wonky length though; too long for a short, to short for a feature. Look at it this way, would YOU watch 30 minutes of film by someone you had never heard of?

Now, as you say, you can't really have a full progression of a slasher story in 10 minutes. Why not break up your ideas? 10 minutes is a perfect length for a "chased by the slasher" film. It's perfect for a bunch of people sitting around disappearing one by one. Make a fragment of your script; it'll give you practice and help you develop that 30 minutes into 90.

Phillip K. Dick once said something along the lines of "novels are about characters, short stories are about events." If you want something to show in festivals, maybe look at your story that way. You don't need to explain everything (and horror movies are usually better when you don't anyway)

Either way, best of luck with your film!
It also depends on how much experience you have. If you are a seasoned pro, then skip the rest of my comment. If this is your first movie project (or within your first 2-3), then perhaps you should just make the movie you want to make. Don't try to force into a festival-friendly mode. You may still be developing your craft and this will be a valuable learning experience. This project will help you identify what works, what doesn't, and how you should change things to make an even better project the next time.
If you're doing it just because you want to do it, then yeah, length doesn't matter. 30 is a sort of wonky length though; too long for a short, to short for a feature. Look at it this way, would YOU watch 30 minutes of film by someone you had never heard of?

Now, as you say, you can't really have a full progression of a slasher story in 10 minutes. Why not break up your ideas? 10 minutes is a perfect length for a "chased by the slasher" film. It's perfect for a bunch of people sitting around disappearing one by one. Make a fragment of your script; it'll give you practice and help you develop that 30 minutes into 90.

Phillip K. Dick once said something along the lines of "novels are about characters, short stories are about events." If you want something to show in festivals, maybe look at your story that way. You don't need to explain everything (and horror movies are usually better when you don't anyway)

Either way, best of luck with your film!

Thanks a lot! I think Ill cut down a lot of it because 30 minutes is kind of random. Ill focus more on the events rather then the people. As you mentioned most horror movies are better that way.

It also depends on how much experience you have. If you are a seasoned pro, then skip the rest of my comment. If this is your first movie project (or within your first 2-3), then perhaps you should just make the movie you want to make. Don't try to force into a festival-friendly mode. You may still be developing your craft and this will be a valuable learning experience. This project will help you identify what works, what doesn't, and how you should change things to make an even better project the next time.

This is like in my first 3. Im gonna trim it a little bit but I won't force out anything I really like. If its not festival material then its not and I'm ok with that. But 30 min would even be annoying on the internet since it would have to be in parts and all, thanks for the information.

If you're going to make it 30 mins, I personally would extend it to feature length.

I really don'y have the script or time to make a feature length, this is an amateur film.

Also, spend a bit of cash on the blood so that it looks good. And use thick blood where you have to, as opposed to the normal blood you'll be using.

Here's a link for thick blood that I can personally recommend:

I already have bought a lotta fake blood, but I will check that out. Thanks a lot.
I don't know if most horrors are better that way. Most horrors don't cocentrate enough on the people and as a result you don't really care about the characters in most. This is an area you can improve on in the slasher genre. But for 10 minutes who has time for much character development, unless you manage it.

Don't over do it on the blood like some do though. I'm talking about how some have really gone overboard, to the point of eye rolling.
I don't know if most horrors are better that way. Most horrors don't cocentrate enough on the people and as a result you don't really care about the characters in most. This is an area you can improve on in the slasher genre. But for 10 minutes who has time for much character development, unless you manage it.

Don't over do it on the blood like some do though. I'm talking about how some have really gone overboard, to the point of eye rolling.

Well I didn't mean in the char development I kinda meant in the overall plot like most slasher plots get pretty stupid. But I agree with what your saying. I think in a short 10 to 15 minute film you might be able to add a little depth to one character.

Well I grew up on Evil Dead, but yeah I see what you mean. Im gonna keep it simple since its my first try and I don't wanna make it just look stupid and unrealistic.

Thanks for the tips!