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Six Bullets

We Are Blessed…

So Emergency Surgery says it all, I guess. But rest assured, it's nothing serious. Bed ridden for the last week, I've had a chance to really think about some things (I refuse to work on Six Bullets while I'm on
Vicodin). There's so much everybody takes for granted every day. Just the ability to get up in the morning, turn the computer on, and spend a day editing is a blessing (not to mention being able to walk, drive, and eat regular food!). In addition I am so thankful for everyone around me that has been so supportive this week, and shown me so much love. We started out as friends, and ended up crewing a movie together. It's good to see that after all we've been through the friendships are still as strong as ever. And my family was my rock. I'm thankful for everyone who has kept me in their prayers. God willing, I'll be back on my feet by Monday. But I dont want to forget how blessed I feel right now. For those of you out there dealing with work or school, creative problems or personal ones, make sure you take some time to look around you and celebrate all that you have. Every day is a gift.
-Graham Killeen, Director, 4-30-06
I had much the same revelation when my back went out...32 years old is too young to not be able to put your own socks on. It really is the little things that get overlooked. Live life!