site for new indie feature - comments welcome

Greetings...we've just set up a site for our new digital feature, YOU ARE ALONE, and would love comments, feedback, criticism (except for the anti-Flash stuff)...does it work on your browser...etc., and so on?


Very nice website. I can't think of anything that wasn't great.

Oh yeah, also Welcome to Indietalk!:cheers:

It all looks very slick, the trailer looks technically superb too.

There doesn't seem to be a way to shut off the snap game.

Your main site, is kind of messed up. You click on one of the links and it makes the navbar appear a second time on the left. Im sure you're aware of this.

Overall it looks pretty depressing though.
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Thanks for the kind words...and yes, it's a pretty depressing film. (Next one's a comedy though!)

P.S. The trailer is an "homage" to the French trailer to "Femme Fatale" (of all films), in which the entire film is shown in order, in super-fast motion. Always loved that trailer. Wanted to give it a shot for the first one I did for You Are Alone. Working on one now that will tell a little bit more of the story.

My personal site
You can get a lot more feedback if you post the direct link to your trailer in the screening room. Or you can add it to the beginning post of this thread and I can move it for you... or not.

Yes I think that is a clever style for the trailer... or maybe its more of a teaser? I wish I was able to download the actual file, I can't stop WMP quick enough to view all the stills in it! Really it is some beautiful stuff though...
I watched Objects in the Mirror are Further Than They Appear...Love it!

Love the idea of filming prose and doing it through photo montage.

:welcome: to Indietalk, Gorman and Crew of "You are Alone"!

Visited your website and watched your trailer, very slick imagery for what looks like a sublimely, sad story. Interesting turn of events as described in your synopsis!