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watch Since I'm covorting with the film geeks..

..I figured I'd share a music video I did several years back..
First thing I'd done. I haven't really done anything since.. I did a hour-long documentary of sorts.. (it was kind of a christmas present to "folks back home" - but I thought it still came out rather well.. )


When I was planning it I was going for "A Perfect Circle"s "Judith" video for the performance bits - and "Nirvana"s "Sliver" video for the rest.. Due to some camera malfunctions and a lot of the super low angle performance stuff not coming out right - it turned into it's own thing.
I thought it came out well though.. alot of cool motion/rhythm/edit stuff going on.

Anyway.. how is it for a first effort?

[edit] - I can't tell if the embed is working - it's not on my browser, so here is a direct link to the file:
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