Silent Short Films (Retro or Modern)

Been cruising Vimeo trying to find something that would spark my imagination. Since I'm thinking of a short film on a digging-through-the-couch-cushions budget, I'm kicking around the idea of doing a silent short film. I've seen quite a few in my day (I'm an admitted classic film junkie), but not a lot of which I'd be interested in tackling myself. Most I've seen fall into shock film, action, comedy, and horror. I tend more toward the drama end.

So question is this - I'm looking as much for cinematography as I am story, so throw me some ideas out there. A couple on my immediate to-watch list are The Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez (And the original), Student of Prague (1926 remake), and Nosferatu. "Nos" is yet another rewatch. Dunno how many times I've watched it to begin with. But now I can call it "research..."

Anywho. Looking for 20's era and 90's-2000's era, mostly. But just about anything will do. The more, the better.