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Should I choose such a setting?

In my screenplay, the main character has to find some items hidden in three different locations(cities). It's not easy choosing them...:) Could one of them be a city close to my own hometown(outside United States)...? I've been there in college and with other occassions, so I know many of its places... I just had this idea and would like to see some of the script's action in that city. Is this an ok thing to do or should I choose a different, more famous location, as this could create problems? Thanks for answering!:)

I find it extremely ironic that you live in Israel and think if America went down it wouldn't affect the balance of the world. The single greatest power ever to evolve in mankind's history dwarfing all other countries in comparison.... and you think life would go on as usual?

Here's a question for you:

What do you think would happen to Israel if the United States didn't exist anymore? Let's see how "realistic" you really are.

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I find it extremely ironic that you live in Israel and think if America went down it wouldn't affect the balance of the world. The single greatest power ever to evolve in mankind's history dwarfing all other countries in comparison.... and you think life would go on as usual?

Here's a question for you:

What do you think would happen to Israel if the United States didn't exist anymore? Let's see how "realistic" you really are.


I'm stating my opinion regardless of my location. America's fall will more shatter the economy balance, rather than the culture. You can travel through many countries and see that they have their own cultures and mentality.

US isn't the first to rule other countries. There were countless Empires that controlled as much territory as their technologies allowed them.

And yes, Israel will be f*cked up if US falls, lol. I don't doubt that.
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US isn't the first to rule other countries.

The United States doesn't rule any other country other than itself. When the wars we are in are over, we don't take their countries (like Rome and Russia did). Japan is still Japan. Germany is still Germany (both times). Iraq is still Iraq. Italy is still Italy. Korea is still Korea.

We usually end up rebuilding their countries and hope for a more peaceful world afterward. Japan is a perfect example. We rebuilt their entire manufacturing infrastructure and thus they became the technological powerhouse they are today.

The United States is the only thing standing between world peace and world chaos. Unfortunately, the U.S. is quickly losing its direction and that "balancing factor" is a mere shadow of its former self.

You can travel through many countries and see that they have their own cultures and mentality.

...And all these countries who have their own "cultures and mentality" will have nothing to fear from the Muslim nations (and terrorist factions) who feel its "God's will" that they convert to Islam or be slaughtered ....right? Everybody will just ...get along, right?

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The United States doesn't rule any other country other than itself. When the wars we are in are over, we don't take their countries (like Rome and Russia did). Japan is still Japan. Germany is still Germany (both times). Iraq is still Iraq. Italy is still Italy. Korea is still Korea.
In the modern world, you don't need to "take" the country to rule it. And the definition of "rule" is quite different. It's a difficult subject about business, economy, resources and etc...

The United States is the only thing standing between world peace and world chaos. Unfortunately, the U.S. is quickly losing its direction and that "balancing factor" is a mere shadow of its former self.
US doesn't have 100% control on that. Look at Russia, China, Brasil... who often oppose its desicions.

...And all these countries who have their own "cultures and mentality" will have nothing to fear from the Muslim nations (and terrorist factions) who feel its "God's will" that they convert to Islam or be slaughtered ....right? Everybody will just ...get along, right?
If Israel could defend itself for 66 years, those other countries will be able to do as well. I'm talking about 60's, 70's, 80's, when Israel had to fight on its own, maybe with only a financial help from US, not physical.

But hey, if we're talking about culture and mentality, the Muslem world can never take over the Western or Europe world. Because they use brutal force, and it doesn't help in that case.
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Inarious ,

What type of jets were the Israelies flying during your 6-day war? And who trained your pilots?


Ok. But who fought the war? Giving someone a strong weapon doesn't mean that he's gonna win the war. My point is, that every country in the world will be able to defend itself if given the choice - survive or die.