I am still learning a lot of the tricks of the trade, but one thing I was told I have mastered by my fellow filmmaking wannabees, is boom operating. They always want me to do it, cause apparently I am the only one who knows what he's doing. Now I feel that maybe if that's true, I might expand my opportunities by applying for some jobs here in town. One thing is is that some people may want me to do the boom operating and the sound mixing at the same time, which is very difficult since I have only have two hands and have to keep my eyes on the actor's mouths the whole time. I would ideally be working with a mixer, but I'm guessing some will expect me to do both. I also don't really have a resume. None of my the people I have worked for, have finished their movies or anything so I got nothing to show yet. Should I wait, cause that could literally be a long time, since we are all still learning everything.
If I must wait than I will. What do you think?
If I must wait than I will. What do you think?
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