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Shorts Wanted

I'm looking to produce 2-3 shorts early next year. They must fill the following:

Less than 15 pages
Less than 4 locations not including establishing shots and connecting locations.
Cast of less than 5 (bg not included)
No drug use, no smoking, nothing obscene
No scenes in bathrooms
No gross out comedy, no horror, no bathroom humor
Not looking for writer/directors

Specifically I'm looking for scripts that will be able to tell the story visually. Prefer drama, rom-com, film noir, etc.

Budget for scripts is low so if you want $1,000 for short don't bother sending me info on it. Looking to shoot each short with a small budget around $2,500 but we have extensive resources beyond the budget (cameras, lighting, etc). Please send a message with your title, style, and synopsis.

Hi Illuminarium

I have one that I just don't have the time to shoot at the moment. I'd love to see it in production but I don't know if it would travel.

After you have read it, I'm looking for $1 USD (that's 100 cents) if you like it and want to do it justice.

The issue is it is a mixture of Chinese and English culture set in four locations around London's Chinatown although it might be straightforward to transform it from the Big Smoke to the Big Apple. As a note, it is distilled from a feature which went the rounds with a production company in the UK. All I got out of the feature script was a $150 USD bottle of whisky and an invitation to tender more screenplays and maybe I will - who knows?!

So PM me who you are and what you're about and I'd be happy to shoot it over when I'm back home in a week or so.