
We've got a lot of new shorts and features were working on and several upcoming screenings.

Shorts are in the works:
"The Pure Exidous" a horror short by Shane Ryan, still shooting
"Sexy B*tch VS. Robert Redford" comedy short by Theresa Kyriaco and Shane Ryan, almost finished editing
"Ghost Groove" horror short by Jerell Gray, complete, waiting to receive a copy to put online
"Sane 2" by the Cousin Bros.
"It's Mr Puggles" by Jerell Gray
"Check Yourself" by Theresa Kyriaco
and more

Just completed our first feature "Amateur Porn Star Killer"
and will hopefully start editing again soon "The More The Better" (which is half way edited)

and looking to shoot a traditional narrative much more professional feature film this summer
"Romance Road Killers"

"3 Little Words" by Bret Hampton will be playing in Tempe, AZ on April 23, 2005 at the ASU Art Museum Film and Video Festival and Bret's film will also be playing on May 8, 2005 at Arlene's Grocery Picture Show along with his son's films (Shane), including "So, We Killed Our Parents", "Isolation" and "The Cold Heat". Now if only his nephew, Jason Hampton director of "Mouse Trap Delivery", and "Sane" co-director Jeremy Williams (Shane's brother) were playing there it would have truely been a whole family of filmmakers in one event.

Alter Ego Cinema
You guys sure have been busy! :)

Looking forward to seeing the new shorts when they become available.

When did you have time to sneak a feature into the mix?
Yeah, that among school and regular 'real jobs' has sure been tiring.

The feature was something (a topic) that we've been wanting to do for a couple or more years, and finally decided to take the opportunity to do it. It's much different than originally intended (and we still might do it the original way), but we had a very very small budget and time frame to do it and get it done, so we took it.

We're planning a much bigger and better feature this summer (hopefully we'll actually get to do it) called Romance Road Killers.

Thanks as always, Zensteve, for the support.