Shortening time in film?

Hey everyone,

I have a question regarding "time shortening" of a work in process in film. For example, how can I shorten a work in process that takes an hour for example into something that's 5 minutes long with a sense of continuity, so that the viewer doesn't even notice it was shortened?

Thanks in advance!
How is the story suppose to be good though, if you can take that much out. Is it suppose to have 55 minutes of anything relevant happening?

From a screenwriting perspective, a good general rule for beginners is that every scene needs to accomplish one of two things. It has to either advance the plot, or reveal character. And as soon as one of those things is accomplished, then the scene is over.

Watching a dude clean his room for 55 minutes doesn't advance the plot, and doesn't reveal the character unless he cleans in a particular way, like if he has OCD, but we can convey his OCD cleaning style in a minute or two. We don't need to see an hour of it. Show the audience what they NEED to see in order to "get it", and cut out everything else.