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watch Short VFX Action Sequence

Pointless it is not. Heard of "Ryan vs Dorkman"? Last I heard, they now work for ILM.

James Cameron got his start by fooling around with SFX in silly little short films.

Nice work, twang. Those VFX look pretty nice.
I thought it was excellent. The special effects were great. There are plenty of these on the net, the little payoff of them playing the game made it neat. Also, while the acting, voice sound effects were not perfect, the actual editing, movement and fight sounds were smack on. Great job.
The effects where cool but nothing special. Now, the beggining of the fight scene. Oh my, that was beautifully coreographed.
Thanks guys!

Thanks for your critiques. While there are millions of these fight scenes out there, I feel like most of them aren't really well done. Some have pretty bad FX and others have bad fighting :( This video was more of a test. I was trying to get the good fighting and good effects to mesh together. I do agree that without a story, the whole fight is pointless. My next one will definitely involve more of a story.

Also, if you guys thought the intro was pretty good, you should check out this one. I thought this one had a pretty good build up before the fight actually happened.


The fight itself was never finished. I didn't actually know HOW to do half the thing I wanted for this video
Stories are easy, VFX are frickin' hard ;)

In all seriousness this is a much more employable skill than coming up with storylines, so work to what you're good at. Those effects looked good to me, but I agree with Mr J Sully, the choreography on the fight scene was even better than the effects.

Also a better camera would compliment your VFX work quite nicely...
ah ha! I see we are on the same wavelength! I just bought a new camera, canon 60D, and will be making more videos with that awesome camera.

Everyone's been telling me that the choreography is really good. But in all honestly there are much better choreographed fights out there. I really need to learn how to incorporate fighting and special effects together. Right now, it seems like its, fight fight fight, vfx vfx vfx. Need to learn how to combine the two seamlessly.
+1 on fighting camera work. Looks good.

Gezee, at some point we need to start PAYING Andrew Kramer.. go buy one of his products in appreciation for his tutorials.

The ending was cute.
Like the others, I really liked the fighting scenes; the VFX wasn't half bad either, more than i could do anyway.

People like Freddiew and Corridor Digital make good money doing exactly what TC is doing, though slightly more professionally of course. I don't think the majority of the Youtube audience is overly concerned with having a decent story.

Good work!
+1 on fighting camera work. Looks good.

Gezee, at some point we need to start PAYING Andrew Kramer.. go buy one of his products in appreciation for his tutorials.

The ending was cute.

HAHA, I KNOW!! I had the idea to make this video because I saw those tutorials, and thought, holy crap, those are applicable for what I wanna do!
Nice work... better than 95% of the *&*!$% posted on DaTube. Keep at it, challenge yourself and have fun. Your ending made me LOL.
I have a friend that does these, he's really good (Leo Kei Angelos), and he's gotten the most attention from his last two pieces, which he smartly has catered to a mass audience by making the first one based on Dragon Age, and the second one he's done on a Silent Hill theme. Extremely high hit count because of the already in-place fan base. Just mentioning because it could be an option for people to think about implementing.

Example: Dragon Age: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phwwuF5wanc

You can check out his YT channel for a lot of short fight scenes. Again, I don't mention this to steal anyone's thunder, I mention it so the OP can watch and see what someone semi-successful has done and how he's evolved.
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I have a friend that does these, he's really good (Leo Kei Angelos), and he's gotten the most attention from his last two pieces, which he smartly has catered to a mass audience by making the first one based on Dragon Age, and the second one he's done on a Silent Hill theme. Extremely high hit count because of the already in-place fan base. Just mentioning because it could be an option for people to think about implementing.

Example: Dragon Age: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phwwuF5wanc

You can check out his YT channel for a lot of short fight scenes. Again, I don't mention this to steal anyone's thunder, I mention it so the OP can watch and see what someone semi-successful has done and how he's evolved.

my GOD that deserves waaayy more views than it has gotten. Its so good! I'm a HUGE fan of dragon age 2. I had a similar experience when I uploaded this video six years ago


It has since then gotten almost 2 mil views, plus another guys stole it and put it up on his channel and got 4.5 mil views (kinda annoys me that he has more views)

The point is that video is has pretty bad vfx and camera work, but still drew a crowd. Which goes to show that sometimes quality isn't the most important thing for a youtube video.
Holy Shit that's got two million views! :D

You're famous. I think that goes to shows how much easier it is to get hits ripping off a franchise than creating something original. Not meaning to offend or criticise- I just think it highlights a problem faced by people who want to create unique fantasy short films (actually all short films).

But that's great for you. Why not throw one of those pop up redirect thinks linking to your new video?
Holy Shit that's got two million views! :D

You're famous. I think that goes to shows how much easier it is to get hits ripping off a franchise than creating something original. Not meaning to offend or criticise- I just think it highlights a problem faced by people who want to create unique fantasy short films (actually all short films).

But that's great for you. Why not throw one of those pop up redirect thinks linking to your new video?

Yea! Good idea! Doing that now! haha. I'm also ripping off another popular franchise in the above video. But I really do love the anime.

And I totally agree with you. A lot of really great indie films on youtube are not getting the credit they deserve because they choose not to focus on the latest buzzword or trendy topics, and thus never even get seen.

I really don't think the amount of views a video gets is in any way indicative of how good it is. I mean if you want views you can always have a girl with huge cleavage as your thumbnail and mention something about justin bieber in your headline. :lol:
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I do agree with you on this.

I popped up a video called 'No Country for Old Men in a Minute' around the time that it won the Oscar and it got ten times as many views as any other video I've submitted online.

I think there's a difference between videos that have an element of homage (like the one that this thread is about) and your first video which is, essentially, a fan flick. It's just a shame that in order to get the more sophisticated homage some views you need to take away the sophistication and just call it a fan video...

But we're getting off topic. I like your videos, I wish I could do special effects then I'd be able to get some sort of work somewhere ;)