archived-videos Short "The Date"

It's just a shame because the movie could do so much for him. It's a great calling card. If this is his hobby, I'm terrified what skills he has for a career. We all need to look out.

Poke, if you're prodding me to apologize, then I'll say I'm sorry. I had not read the segment about getting permission for web use until you re-posted it.
This is seriously a great piece. When I was in school we had a performance group called where we dressed as crows and spouted random philosophical statements and other ramblings. It brought back memories of my days as a crow.

Great work!
sonnyboo said:
It's just a shame because the movie could do so much for him. It's a great calling card. If this is his hobby, I'm terrified what skills he has for a career. We all need to look out.

Poke, if you're prodding me to apologize, then I'll say I'm sorry. I had not read the segment about getting permission for web use until you re-posted it.

Well, he can still use it as a calling card on the internet...and he can probably send it to a few people for free...
Had to turn the lights off...

Okay, so I watched this in my bedroom and there was a lot of sunlight coming into the room and I couldn't tell what the hell was going on with the characters i.e., what they were wearing on their heads... LOL.

So I got rid of all the light and just as I did, I started hearing them scream with the subtitles going on...

I loved the Dean Martin songs... LOL. They fit really well I thought.

Great job...

Thanks for the positive feedback,

(FilmJumper) Sorry, The compressed web version came out bit darker than the tv version. I'm glad you were able to see it with the lights out.

Wow! I loved it! It reminded me of Kids in the Hall, only it was even more twisted.

I never would have guessed that it was done with only a crew of 5 people. What'd you shoot it on, how's you get the beaks to work so well and has this been shown in any festivals or won any awards?

So far it's the best film I've seen on this site. I too am a huge fan of the twisted and absurd, so this one really hit my funny bone.

That was sooo cool! :cool: ...My favorite things about it was when Mr. Twigfoot (love the name), says "Such a fine piece of meat, and no tire marks!" and then the scene when the guy stops jogging and is killed by mr twigfoot, while eating a twinkie...priceless. :lol:
Thanks Nick and Loyfilms for the nice comments. I shot it on a Sony PD170. I used foam and glue so that when the actor moved their mouth the beaks move. I had them really extend their jaws when they cawed. I like less people on my crews. Just seems to work better. (Loyfilms) The more twisted people the better! What is Kids in the Hall? Were can I watch it? :yes:
Some wicked sh*t! Loved it. I would hav said the same stuff bout the music but I see it's been discussed.

But regardless, some major wicked talent! Cool!
Thanks , Yeah, I've been running into a few problems with the music. Even though I got permission to use the music I can't make any money off the short (part of the contract). I recently got offered a nice chunk of change to include it on a DVD that was going to be distributed, but I couldn't . Ohh well, gotta move on.

My current project that I'm working on is called "7 Years" by far my most twisted work. We plan to begin shooting in April and finish out by November. I'll be posting a website link with a few test shots and other things soon.
pretty funny

This was ok. Pretty funny. Some of the dialogue was clever. Overall it seemed like a one-joke short. But there are certainly worse things on this forum.