Short Sketch Actor Tips?

Hey everyone!

I'm a teenage filmmaker and I'm looking to shoot a very short sketch for my YouTube channel, 3-5 minutes long. I'm looking on entering it into a contest where I could win some camera equipment which I'm desperately in need of. I need 3 actors, I can do one, but for the other 2, I have no idea who to choose. All of my friends have no idea how to act in front of a camera, and I don't think any of them would be fit for the roles. I mean, I could settle with them, but I wouldn't use them as a first choice.

It's going to be a very playful, comedy sketch, so I need two goofy people and one serious. I can be one of the goofy, but that still leaves two other actors! I have no clue what to do! I don't want to hire an ACTUAL actor. Any tips/help would be greatly appreciated!
Put an ad out on Craigslist and to start. Not sure if it costs money (for you) to put a listing/breakdown on Actors Access, but that's another option.

You can also try local nearby colleges.

Definitely try to get some good actors. Hold auditions. Just be upfront about the project and the payment (or lack of). There are a lot of quality actors out there looking to work, and willing to do it pro just have to know how to look and have patience in casting the right choices.

Good luck.
I don't want to hire an ACTUAL actor. Any tips/help would be greatly appreciated!

Why would you not want to use an actor?

There are plenty of upcoming/starting actors who are quite willing to utilise their talents for no/lo pay. Of course, you'll be obligated to give them a completed copy of the film project so they can have material to add to their demo-reel. (If you throw in a 20 for gas, you'll be a god, too!)

Are you worried that you won't be taken seriously, because of your age? Don't be. If you can demonstrate that you have your production planned out & thought through, you'll be fine.

I bet your school has a drama club. Popped by to say hello yet?