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SHORT FILMS WANTED - free television opportunities

This is all incredible stuff Sonny,
I have a friend in the US and you have brought us close together for this - cheers.
There should be a new forum thread - Sonnyboo helps. :yes:
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How I missed this thread for close to a year is beyond me. Superb Moderating, no?

There are some TV opportunities here in Austin. Like this one:

If you have a music video, Austin Music Network is always in need of prgramming.

And I found this:

GET SHORTY Film Showcase & Tour 2005™
- Call For Entries
November 2004

New York – Nomad Film Group proudly presents the 2nd annual GET SHORTY Film Showcase & Tour 2005™... Featuring the best short films on Earth...under 10 Minutes. Period. A platform solely dedicated to the art of the shortest Short Films. Get Shorty will provide a forum to showcase the most creative short films from around the world! We truly believe that there are filmmakers in this world who can be brilliant in TEN minutes or less.

We offer Filmmakers great venues with a relaxed social setting, reel networking & an outlet to screen their best work. No judges, no exorbitant entry fees & no B.S. Only the toughest audience & “industry” invited guests. Oh and we almost forgot to mention...some kick-ass prizes. Winners will also participate in a compilation DVD to be distributed internationally.

All genres will be accepted, including categories for narrative, docs, commercials, PSA, music videos, experimental, student films, and our new category "Trailers!"

Link to the official entry form...

Link to the official site & more info...

New York - Miami – Austin – Seattle –
Los Angeles – Chicago – Boston…

San Fran, D.C., New Orleans, Tucson…TBA

For more information on National/Regional sponsorship opportunities & partnerships, press inquiries or attending the showcase, please email: getshortyfilms@yahoo.com.

Please support the spirit of independent film by kindly passing this info on. Thank you.


P. O. Box 7727 New York, New York 10116

That one's not free but it's worth a look (and I think the early entry fee deadline is a typo - 2005 not 2004).

I will try to get more posted here ASAP.

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These aren't film festivals. These are TV shows, TV networks, cable channels, and public access TV shows. None of them accept online entries, as they need to be broadcast quality master tapes in most cases.

WHOLE different arena thatn festivals & online sites...
I don't think any of them accept commercials for free...

Since it sounds like a NON PROFIT organization, most networks, local stations et al play non profit commercials for free at various times.
Mind Ignites

Mind Ignites or Imaginities were nasty people to deal with. I was invited to send a DVD which I did, then no reposnse for months which is pretty normal. When I tried to make enquiries I was palmed off to a free-lancer on the other side of the Australian continent, whom they pretended was working in the main office. I tried to discuss their very loosely worded and vague contract which involves sending a master tape to a po box in Australia (they don't give a proper business address). They kicked me out of the deal when I said they were acting like rip-off artists at least unprofessional because they didn't communicate, so they resorted to dishing out a 'punishment' because somebody criticised them. Wouldn't trust them as far as I could comfortably spit them out in the words of the late Douglas Adams....
I had no troubles with Mind Ignites, but many many may (and even MORE) people have had issues with them.

I'm not affiliated nor do I necessarily endorse a single one of these. Submit at your own risk.

but, if you think your DV short is worth a ton of money & want to hold out... also hold your breath.

Well if you say so. I would never sign a contract which said that the distributor would be obliged to report on something as vague as '...any significant sales...' which sounds like an attempt to misreport the TRUE figure. I picked lots of holes in their contract purely from the pont of view of good drafting skills and it stank. I didn't like the idea of sending a master to a po box 10K miles away and not even have the courtesy of the name of the person I might be dealing with or the courtesy of a reply to an e mail in good time. Imaginities are arrogant and they are crooks, no doubt about it and it was a grubby encounter to say the least. I even suggested handing over a master and doing the signing care of a lawyer to act as their rep here in London which I was quite happy to pay for and there was no response to that. They stink, sorry. Most of the production companies listed above in London don't reply, they are just too inefficient for words or they try and palm you off by saying you should sell your rushes to 'Eurotrash', so they can string you along and then blame you when they don't deliver...bad situation indeed...never mind holding your breath...holding your nose is more important...
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Just as an FYI, IFC and the Sundance CHannel take even longer than MIND IGNITES to reply.

Personally, I don't care if I never see a penny for any of my shorts on DV> I made them to get seen, not to make a few dollars. This is my opinion and regarding my own films only, but to me it's worth a helluva lot more to get 10-20 more new viewers seeing the work, and seeing the brand name of SONNYBOO rather than get $50-100.

There aren't that many spectacular outlets for shorts, so I'll take whatever I can get. I say go for the exposure and get your work seeen and remembered or even criticized, as long as it gets out there. I can't sway anyone else or tell someone else how to handle their own shorts, but if my DV shorts get bootlegged (as has already happened) and wind up on the black market in Malaysia (also happened) = then I'm pleased my under $100 DV short was worth something to someone somewhere. I can care less about piddlywinks of money for shorts.

Feature flms are a whole other endeavor. They ARE intended to make money.
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Most, but not all have "non exclusive" contracts, meaning you can send/sell to multiple outlets.

the IFC (Independent Film Channel), the Sundance Channel, and very few others require "exclusive" contracts, meaning they want all rights to it... DVD, web, TV, and everything else. They are also by far the hardest to sell to.


Independent Axis is a television show dedicated to showing the material of the artist and providing its viewers with all things independent, local and national. The show is on WTAP TV 15, Digital 49, an NBC affiliate located in the Mid-Ohio Valley, with approximatly 80,000 households and plans to take it to a national level soon. It will air Sarturday night/Sunday morning at 1:00 AM following SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.

If you would like your material considered, here is what you need to know.

1. All entries will be required to sign a waiver that permits MDS and WTAP to use their artwork, royalty-free for as long as they deem fit, as well as a music license release form stating the ownership and right to use any piece of music in the artwork.

2. Entries can be sent in the following formats

-Data Disc (CD or Standard DVD)
-VHS Tape
-Beta SP Tape
The physical entry will not be returned to the sender. So please send your submission in a format you do not need returned, thank you.

3. If possible please include any bio information about the people responsible for the artwork so that we may use it in the show as well as any other footage you might like reviewed, such as behind the scenes clips.

4. There is no guarantee that an entry will be shown, but all will be considered and could possibly be used later in festivals, live showings, or other such events.

5. Mindjakk Digital Studios/WTAP must receive all entries at least one week before scheduled air date of a specific show to be considered for that show.

Mail all submissions to

Mindjakk Digital Studios
104 Lakeview Center #311
Parkersburg WV, 26101