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watch Short Film - Taylor: The GroomKiller

Hello Everyone!

I'm new to the forums and I want to thank the creators for making an area where storytellers can share their imagination.

This was my final assignment for my Motion Picture 1 course.
The requirements was to develop a piece that had at least 1 night and day shot for both interior and exteriors.

I was inspired to create this after watching Dexter Season 7.
I know this film isn't perfect, but with each video I hope to improve.

If you have ANY constructive criticism, you are more than welcome to leave a comment or send me a message.

Thanks :)


A female serial killer gains the utmost satisfaction by murdering unfaithful married men and collecting their wedding rings as personal trophies.


-watch in HD for the best quality :)
-we shot with a canon 7D
-Edited using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

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When it started off i didnt think I would like it, but I actually ended up liking it! The makeup for the blood was really good. I think my favorite part would definately have to be the last shot. I was like oh ok now this is cool! I'm a big fan of ultra-violence myself, but this one seemed like it was cleverly done.

another big thing i like was how you used to non-traditional slasher music to kind of increase the intensity, which I thought worked, at least for me.

Only thing i would say is the pacing and dialogue. At times it seemed a little slow and bland. And the reasons she was killing i thought could have been improved or been a little more creative. But it came together at the end. Good job!
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Thank you for your honest feedback!

I agree on the points you brought up.
I need to make sure that next time I tighten up the pacing and dialogue.
yea but it's understandable considering the amount of time you did it in. Btw the last part where she is dancing to the music with the knife and it's cutting in and out the credits. I thought that was pure genius! Really cool idea there

To be honest, I initially wanted it to be continuous, but I couldn't figure out how to transition from the dancing to the last shot.

Therefore, I decided to edit it this way.
Thank God, because I think this way is much better and interesting.
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lol yea i actually thought it looked better cutting in and out. Where did you get you're fake blood from btw? I have some but doesn't look authentic like it should