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watch Short Film: Ma'a Salama (Goodbye)

Hi All,

Please check out my latest short film called Ma'a Salama (Goodbye)


Let me know what you think.

Credit to Gorillaonabike for co-directing this with me.
With something that visually stylised, I think it's easy to get wrong. So congrats, cos it looked great and the visual style was complimentary rather than distracting.

On the downside, I hate that typeface ;)
Film Autre has a great eye. Really, really talented. Watch this guy... I'm predicting great things for him!

Helps to have a decent co-director, though... ;)
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what happened is that it was intended as a music video for the client, I think in his eyes he was expecting the typical big budget look for the £0 budget he provided, infact I spent £20 on all the props and clothing, he bought some blood...

after a while he couldnt agree to the video so I decided to leave the project for a few months, then the actor was pestering me to release it and I was struggling to find a decent composer, so i searched through hundreds of songs and finally found the one in the video.

Regarding the Typeface.. its just pure laziness on my part.. I didnt want to release the video in the first place as i didnt really think it was a finished article or any good, but most people seemed to like it so I guess I should have put a bit more effort in.. :)

thanks for the comments though.
Ah. Yes you should have put more effort in ;). It deserves better titles.

I had a client do that once. Even though the artist agreed to the idea of a really dark, bleak video, his management (once we made it) wanted us to shoot it again with no money. They ended up wanting to 'digest' it for a bit, then didnt use it. They didn't get anyone else to do one either. Which was shame. 1: it was a great track 2: I liked the video. 3: it was the title track from the album!

Bloody clients.

You have a really nice video there. Get it out and about.
yeah its one of the reasons I dont deal with musicians anymore, they are a pain in the ass always dictating when they dont really know what they are talking about, they cant see past the raw footage and look at the bigger picture.

I dont really have any methods for getting the video around? any suggestions? someone said try some festivals but not too sure...
Raindance film festival? Have a google about.

There's an event that I have been involved with called 'Video Jam'. Good pals of mine, but the premise is send a film with no sound, they give it to a musician who writes a score for it. Then it is screened at an event where the musician plays the score live.

Its a great event and they sometimes do London. A few months ago they did the Vaults. They are always doing open calls and usually get a few hundred people through the door at each event.