archived-videos Short Film: Cool Blue

Hi Everyone,

I completed this short film almost two years ago, and finally now getting around to putting together a proper website.

You can access the film directly here:

You can either Right Click and "Save Target As..." or if you have a fast internet connection it should stream to Media Player without any problems.

Hope you like it and feel free to let me know what you think. It's the first short film I have directed so all comments are appreciated.

You can find out more about me and other projects here:
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Cool Blue


Excellent short, I really enjoyed it. And welcome to IndieTalk, too!

=- Steve P -=

P.S. What was the make/model of the car?
Thanks Steve,

The car is a TVR Tuscan. If you've saw Swordfish there's one in that too.

You can't really tell from my film, but the sound from them is incredible!
I really enjoyed it. Most of all I like your no-dialogue raw emotion only direction for the fight scene. Fantastic twist for the ending as well.

The only shot I would have dropped was the second shot of the original guard at the end and gone right to the car peeling out. That way rather than arriving at the eventual conclusion you do during the 2nd shot of the guard, you arrive at it while watching the car speeding off... maybe a bit more of a Usual Suspects type twister.

Really a great one for your first though.