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watch Short Comedy: The Bet

Made me chuckle. Did you film this really recently or was the Mavericks line just lucky?

I like that you didn't drag it on for longer than the joke needed. A cardinal sin of comedy, IMO.
I enjoyed the humor, it was well acted. :)

The moving camera in parts-was that deliberate (IE no tripod/rolling camera mount)? Just wonder if it was done for effect? Sometimes I get distracted-but the steadier parts I found flowed well, nicely edited and shooting outside in the daylight you had some good lighting there! :)
I don't understand why the black dude was angry after he found out the chick was going to stay with him. It seems like a faulty premise.

I might just be me, but it seemed a little over exposed.

I like the idea.
Thanks for watching guys, much appreciated.

The moving camera was half deliberate, half under-executed. I wanted it to be smoother than that but didn't have the necessary equipment or smooth hands. I need to get a shoulder rig.

As for the black dude's motivation being unclear, thank you for bringing that to my attention. His motivation was supposed to be "oh wow no way you're staying with me? That's wonderful! And now that I am safe in that knowledge, allow me to beat the holy hell out of this white boy who tried to front me". If that wasn't clear, that's my fault and I'll pay more attention next time.

I feel parts are slightly over exposed too.
