Shooting B/W with an Canon XL1s

I'm going to expose my noobiness here. :) I have recently purchased a used Canon XL1s and it did not come with instructions. After a brief search on Canon's site I found the correct manual. My only issue is I'm not finding how I can shoot a B/W scene. I've scanned through the 124 page document and have not noticed anything about how to switch from color to B/W. I assume this can be done easily. Anyone know or can point me in the right direction? I'd greatly appreciate your effort. :)
I have a Canon XL2 and I am not sure I even have that feature. Probably because I haven't looked for it yet, besides I wouldn't shoot the scene in black and white. I would shoot it in color with the proper lighting and everything color corrected and then turn it into black and white in post. It may not be as good as a picture as if you were to shoot it on Black and White film but you can play more with it in post. Then if you ever decide that you don't want a particular scene in black and white you can always go back to color. Just my two cents. Good luck.
I just finished an 80% B&W film on an HVX200A. It doesn't shoot B&W, you shoot color and make it B&W in post. It's best to get a monitor and pull all the color out of it, so you can see what the scene looks like B&W.
Ebay... That's really the going price for them, they haven't lost much value all things considered, a testament to their quality and staying power if you ask me :)