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watch Share your Vine!


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I've never made a vine video before (7 seconds) and okay technically I still need to register a vine account, but I just made my first video and it's easier to put it on youtube for now

I already have disdain for my generation's inability to convey meaningful things to each other beyond 140 characters... I doubt I'll ever hop on this bandwagon, either.

But, I do see the creative merit of only having seven seconds to tell a story.
apparently they're supposed to be 6 1/2 seconds.. so i need to shave off 1/2 a second of my epic bird thing.

Hard to tell a story in that time but it's fun to play with my dog and easier than trying to include him in a real short
I already have disdain for my generation's inability to convey meaningful things to each other beyond 140 characters... I doubt I'll ever hop on this bandwagon, either.

But, I do see the creative merit of only having seven seconds to tell a story.
I share your sentiment, but not quite the disdain. I think that's what the real challenge is - conveying something meaningful within 140 characters (or 6.5 seconds). I love long novels, films, songs, etc. But there can be valid and interesting expressions in much more truncated forms (short films, short stories). They don't necessarily have to be narrative, but I think if someone can express something meaningful, that's really interesting to me.

It's something I've wanted to experiment with - a vine-based webseries. It would basically be like a comic strip, but instead of 3 panels, each episode is 6.5 seconds.

I also like to think of vine, twitter, etc as some weird form of performance art from the developers. A reflection on our strange world, and how it's "full" of emptiness (and pets). I'm only half-joking about this.
This. Do this. Or, combine the idea; 3 panel vine to tell a story. Could end up somewhere in the neighborhood of this: http://www.asofterworld.com/

Ha, that falls within the same realm of another idea I had (making a filmic comic book - though I don't think it works in practice). The web series idea may actually be up your alley - tangentially inspired by a couple of fairy tales (though I'm not sure if they're the sort of fairy tales you're into).
right up my alley indeed; keep me in the loop!

and while I'm brainstorming: a choose-your-own-adventure done with vines!
Well I tried out this whole vine thing. I don't like it.
I'm trying to match up to music to help tell the story but such an exact running time is holding me back.

I want to make one that evokes feeling. I am taking off the reigns
Well I tried out this whole vine thing. I don't like it.
I'm trying to match up to music to help tell the story but such an exact running time is holding me back.

I want to make one that evokes feeling. I am taking off the reigns


Just make very short films on your Youtube - You won't be restricted by the exact time, and you can give yourself as much or as little space as you want. Plus, short content on your Youtube can be beneficial in building viewers who want little tidbits of entertainment.