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watch Sexy Vickie Powell Adult Short

Adult film star Vickie Powell in our short Horror / Shocker "Tape 211"


See the full 15 minute short film here:


Best regards,
Pete Middleton Pictures​
Yeh it was okay. Vickey was nice..of course. I thought it was a nice concept that could have been better executed.
Suggestion --

Having her sit in the car while a nutty serial killer is after her is just plain unbelievable.

He also would have been able to get off on the first floor, and obviously he runs fast, so the chase would just continue into the parking garage.

It seems like you tacked this on just to show us a bunch of other girls on tape. Doesn't work.

Also the blood looked fake, use some color correction. Other than that, pretty good job.

I think the faces were oversaturated in places as well.
Didn't blow me away, but wasn't too bad...

Acting was patchy but not to bad by short film standards. Sound quality wasn't great although i'll give 50% of the blame for that to my computer.