archived-videos Sexploitative Modern Noir

This is a great short. :cool:

It played too long with the sex parts, though... sure, you may have been aiming for the "sexploitative" angle, but gritty-looking b/w and harsh lighting/shadow does very little for any woman's form. Don't lose track of the story. There was easily two minutes to be trimmed, without losing anything.

Aside from that, top-notch. A little bit of Lynch towards the end, was that?

When are you peeps going to release a compilation DVD of your many flicks?
Have to agree with Zen. The story fell by the wayside in order to let style reign, I think. It was well shot and I actually enjoyed the harsh lighting, it made the sex feel so much more dirty.

yeah, I really liked the style editing and camera work, I think it took 6 months editing, on and off, to get it too flow right and get that really gritty look tweaked right for each shot. That was all done in post, the original footage looked really plain. I think the script was about only 3 pages (and I think Isolation was 6 or 7) which even though are different films, had a very similar style and both ended up running about 15-16 minutes because of that style. A lot of slow-mo shots and no to little dialogue made the movies play out much longer than the scripts looked it to be.

But I feel they were both ok in length. They could be trimmed (and I think they were, I know Isolation was) but I think they're still good at 15 minutes. The sex in Cold Heat was definitaly meant to tell the story, not really to be sexplotiative although since it's heavy on sex I like to promote it as sexploitative (gets more people looking that way). But if you here Shane's reasons for it, it makes sense. There was a lot of nudity cut out because he didn't feel it fit, the raw footage is pretty raw I'd say.

If you notice the sex starts out completely covered and no nudity is revealed until they're done. They're then left open and vulnerable and don't seem to have any need for each other after that. The boy then leaves, we find out something evil lurks in the bathroom, it bothers him, the girl creeps outside, he comes back out this time very rough and the sex very graphic this time. he forces her around even and forces her head into the bed when he abruptly tunrs her over. we then enter the bathroom, see what lies inside, come back out to find she's taken over. when she's done she throws herself off him and looks away (both dirty and sweaty at this point) she leaves, cleans up and is left in control basically and within moments betrays him and shoots him dead.

so, that's that if it helps, best I can explain. I wish we could have included some outtakes of what it's like making a sex scene, pretty funny. Shane's extremely shy plus trying to direct, Michiko's way too relaxed, and several times there were minor injuries (somebody getting their private area kneed (guess who) and the two of them accidently head butted each other pretty bad at one point). It's on camera and pretty funny.

that's it for now,
