Sennheiser MKH 406 T Microphone

Anybody have any experience with these vintage tube shotguns for recording on set sound? I have an opportunity to buy one... might be an upgrade from my Audio Technica mic?
If it really is a 406 T it will require T-power, not phantom power. There is the potential of damaging the mic if you plug it into phantom power. A decent discussion of all the pertinent details - including T to 48V adapters - can be read here:

Thank you so much. That conversation veered off course to unbalanced / balanced connections... with such obtuse answers! A balanced cable is Hot / Cold / Ground or TRS. An unbalanced cable is only Hot and Ground or TS.

My question on this 408 T... It seems to be powered (if I understand correctly) with 12 volts phantom power! And today, obviously to most sound engineers, phantom power is 48 volts now...

These microphones have their power boxes with them... so if they convert to 12 V phantom power... what kind of power should the mixer be giving them (only T power, even with their power converter boxes)? Someone said regular power that you give a dynamic or ribbon microphone would be more harmful than 48 volts? That sounds strange to me... how would giving less power be more damaging to a capsule?

That article still left me totally confused! Thank you for directing me to it anyhow. I appreciate your attempt to help and also any further clarification.
ah yes -- I see some mixers supply 12 volts phantom power!

I know these mics have converter / power boxes though. So the question is... from what to what! I will continue to investigate.

Thank you again! !
Well, I guess that you didn't pick up on the salient points I took for granted due to your audio ignorance. And don't be offended by the word "ignorance;" ignorance implies lack of knowledge and is not slap against your intelligence. When it comes to cameras and the rest of the visual world I'm ignorant to nine decimal places!:D

To sum it all up for you T-power uses 12V; phantom uses 48V. They are also wired differently; each uses a different "hot" wire, hence the possibility of damaging your mic if you use a 48V mic with a T-power supply, or a 12V mic with a phantom power supply.

There are T-power to phantom power convertors.


So if the mic is in good condition, the price is right, and you are willing to spring for a convertor - and it's the correct mic to fit your needs at this time - you may want to consider purchasing the MKH-406T if you want a cardioid mic.