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Selling to Local Video Stores

Ok guys maybe you can help with this one. I am looking at trying to sell my video to some of the local mom & pop video stores for rental...Do you sell them for the MSRP or higher or lower? No experience on this. Also should I give them a screener? Any info appreciated.


Small video stores face huge competition with the big chains. That can be a good thing. You are offering them a movie that their competitors won't carry. Since there is no "standard" the best thing you can do as walk into the store and ask them what they are willing to pay to stock copies of your movie. And if they want to see the movie before buying it - give them a screener.

I'll bet this is something very few of us has tried - keep us informed on your progress, okay?
It's a good idea but I'm pretty sure you will still need to consider MPAA rating and Errors & Omissions to make sure you are covered from a legal perspective.