I've been lurking for awhile now, enjoying the interesting threads, and
shorts produced by you guys. I hope soon to try my hand at it,
but find it difficult to get any good results with my hi8 camera, but
that's just an excuse, I really should get off my butt and do something with it.
I find it unfortunate that not many people outside the filmmaking circle know
about these shorts or even that a community producing these shorts (and
features) exist. I would like that to change. I figure a bigger
audience base would encourage better quality and create a market. What I
would like to do is hand out DVDs containing two shorts and a trailer.
I would be handing these discs out at a local university (undergrad
That's the plan, now I need content
So, if anyone is interested in
their shorts or trailer getting out, email me coz@badblock.com .
I've been lurking for awhile now, enjoying the interesting threads, and
shorts produced by you guys. I hope soon to try my hand at it,
but find it difficult to get any good results with my hi8 camera, but
that's just an excuse, I really should get off my butt and do something with it.
I find it unfortunate that not many people outside the filmmaking circle know
about these shorts or even that a community producing these shorts (and
features) exist. I would like that to change. I figure a bigger
audience base would encourage better quality and create a market. What I
would like to do is hand out DVDs containing two shorts and a trailer.
I would be handing these discs out at a local university (undergrad
That's the plan, now I need content

their shorts or trailer getting out, email me coz@badblock.com .