This is Manoj from India. I recently did a twenty five minute short film and it was screened during many International Film Festivals and also won an award. I am looking forward to start a career with a firm that produces Corporate Films, Ad Films, Promotional Videos, Music Videos, Documentaries, Television Productions or any Video Productions of such kind. I am ready to work anywhere in the world. If anyone can help me, please mail me at manojormanu@gmail.com and I will forward my portfolio.
Thank You.
This is Manoj from India. I recently did a twenty five minute short film and it was screened during many International Film Festivals and also won an award. I am looking forward to start a career with a firm that produces Corporate Films, Ad Films, Promotional Videos, Music Videos, Documentaries, Television Productions or any Video Productions of such kind. I am ready to work anywhere in the world. If anyone can help me, please mail me at manojormanu@gmail.com and I will forward my portfolio.
Thank You.