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Seeking Films

Hello all-
I am looking for feature films for distribution to all markets. Specifically interested in action, horror and family-themed projects that are finished or very-near completion. We work with all budget levels, but specialize in those films produced with a budget (including deferrals) under $350,000. Please email or give me a call anytime to speak about distribution for your film. If we can't help you, I'll be glad to refer you to other reputable folks that can. Thanks-
I'm way curious about this - our small company is aiming to produce a feature in the upcoming 6 months. Do you have anymore information about your processes?
We place films in all distribution channels available, including new iPod and cellular outlets. Fees are charged as a percentage of earnings, usually 8-12%, and nothing upfront - we only get paid when the filmmaker does. Feel free to call/email me direct
Well don't go grave digging for 2005 threads then ;)
Aer you still current/looking for projects? I'd be interested if you would look at taking a film specifically for the cell/ipod market in the UK?