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watch Second Chorus from Anouilh's Antigone - You Tube

Here is an acting scene on You Tube of me doing the Second Chorus from Anouilh's Antigone. My Uncle Dennis was my cameraman. I hope that you enjoy it.


"Antigone, an adaptation of Sophocles's classic produced in the context of the anti-fascist French resistance, is Jean Anouilh's (1910–1987) most often-produced work today. Antigone premiered in Paris in 1944, but Anouilh had written his tale of lone rebellion against the state two years earlier, inspired by an act of resistance during Paris's occupation by the Nazis. In August 1942, a young man named Paul Collette fired at and wounded a group of directors during a meeting of the collaborationist Légion des volontaires français. Collette did not belong to a Resistance network or organized political group, but acted entirely alone and in full knowledge of his certain death. For Anouilh, Collette's solitary act—at once heroic, gratuitous, and futile—captured the essence of tragedy and demanded an immediate revival of Antigone. Aware of Anouilh's thinly veiled attack on the Vichy government, the Nazis censored Antigone immediately upon its release. It premiered two years later at the Théâtre de l'Atelier in Paris under the direction of André Barsacq, a few months before Paris' liberation. The play starred (his wife) Monelle Valentin as the doomed princess"
