sd memory cards

Question is related to my continuing search for what sort of camera I wish to buy - which I probably wont get around to until late spring.

I was looking at cameras that use an sd memory card. I don't know a whole lot about them other than I use them for my still camera. I realize that they most hold many hours of film footage...however is the downside to them that I would require to buy many of them to film something? I guess what I am asking is, what are the pro's and con's to filmmaking using an sd memory card?

I may be wrong but I think camera's that are able to record to SD card do so as a backup option rather than as a primary function. My camera has a 40gb hard drive and an SD slot which i can only imagine using as an emergency back up if I filled the hard drive.

If you have a media card reader on your PC i don't think there'd be any real disadvantage to using it over hard drive recording so long as you had big enough cards.

Feel free to correct me if thats wrong I havn't recorded anything onto SD with my camera yet.