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scriptwriter/screenwriter salary range...?

[ I checked the archives, and this seemed the best place to post....]

I have recently applied for a PT job as a scriptwriter/screenwriter for a marketing/branding company. To paraphrase the ad, payment is "commensurate with international conditions/practice".

Does anyone here have any experience working in the corporate video environment as a scriptwriter/screeenwriter?

I would appreciate some input on this question re. P-T, F-T or contract scriptwriting positions, or a suggestion where I might go to get relevant information, if such exists?

payment is "commensurate with international conditions/practice" usually means the
company will meet your usual rate. This is one way for companies to request established
professionals rather then writers without a track record. So if you have previous
experience in this field you will ask for slightly more (say 8%) than your last job and
negotiate down from there.

Depending on the company, the project, the terms of employment, the region and the
writer, the fee could be as low at a few thousand to five figures. I know that doesn't help
much, but without more details, I can't get more specific - at least from my experience.

The only way I know of to get the relevant information is to speak to writers and
marketing/branding companies in the area to find out what the current rates are.