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watch Script Supervisor/Continuity

Good description. On our set, we use the iPad for slating and note taking as well, so we've blended the jobs of 2nd AC and Scripty a bit. Works for us though.
Good description. On our set, we use the iPad for slating and note taking as well, so we've blended the jobs of 2nd AC and Scripty a bit. Works for us though.

I generally don't use a Script Super unless the scripted run time is over 10 minutes. Then that job becomes essential for me. Also, the notes are more for me as a director on set communicating with the editor who might see the footage before he/she and I talk first. The notes tell the editor which takes I liked on the day.
We give star ratings to picture and sound (picture being a combination of acting and cam op'ing). Also for the editor's benefit.
I find all paperwork essential - My 2nd's are always filling out cam reports (though I have to force them on digital shoots, as if it's any different), sound guys are always filling in sound reports and we always have a scripty taking notes. Every now and then, the scripty has also been the editor, but that doesn't happen all too often.

When I was in film school, I was handed a sheet that essentially listed all the questions the Script Supervisor needed to know the answer to. It was daunting. I have a lot of respect for good Script Supervisors