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Script Secrets - Free Screenwriting Tips

I'm a working professional screenwriter with 18 scripts actually produced and over a dozen more sold (or assignments). I used to write the Screenwriting 101 column for the Independent Feature Channel magazine, and I've been writing a regular column for Script Magazine since 1991 (I'm now West Coast Editor)... oh, and Roger Ebert talked about my work on the 1997 "If We Picked The Winners" Oscar show.

My website has been up since 1999, offering a *free* screenwriting tip 5 days a week. These are no scrawny little tips - some run over 3,000 words and use several examples from current films. It's like reading a chapter in a screenwriting book every day... free.

Stop by and check it out!


- Bill

PS: If you're in London, I'll be teaching my big 2 day class at the Raindance Film Festival in October... and if you're in Los Angeles, I'll be teaching 7 classes at the Screenwriting Expo this year (also October).