Screenwriting Ideas

I'm running out of ideas for me to write about, what would make a good story that could potentially turn out into a film?
There's so many ideas out there.

If you're just looking for ideas, go to and read, read, read. You'll have more ideas than you'll know what to do with. Lucky for you, they cannot copyright an idea.

It'll then come down to your execution in your writing.
Read newspapers, look for articles to base a story from.

Sometimes I listen to songs that tell stories about people and picture the person in my head and think about what they would do next, before or even during the song in that story.

Takes secondary characters in movies and make up a story for them.

A sequel to a movie you like? Prequel? A different story that exists in the same universe?

A new take/new idea/concept on time travel?

A new take/new idea/concept on vampires? Werewolves? Zombies? (colin was an interesting concept for a zombie film, the Zombie is the protagonist.) I saw a fake trailer for a gay zombie movie that looked hilarious.

A contemporary telling of a mythological/historical figure with a relevant social commentary? the story of Jesus fits pretty well into the Heroes Journey. The vampires in the The TV show True Blood might be a metaphor for homosexuals in the 80's (coming out etc)

Then there's books, magazine articles, real events, tragedies (Open Water based on two people who got left behind on a diving trip)

Sometimes I'll even just look at people in everyday life and make up stories for them. (no creepo)

I agree with Sweetie below your execution in writing and knowledge of how to tell a good story is paramount. It's easier said than done though. You don't need a high concept block buster Idea to tell a good story. I've seen some GREAT movies that sound pretty dull or questionable on paper, but are good films, some are amazing:

A man buried in a coffin with a phone trying to escape. (Buried)
A man tries to find out who is sending surveliance tapes to his family (Hidden/Cache)
6 months in the life of a pedophile who keeps a kid in his basement. (Micheal)
A man helps a woman and her young son
A man goes to jail, then escapes. (Shawshank redemption.)
A big ship sinks. (Titanic)

etc etc etc

And what about those movies that are just set in one small location, like a room? I haven't seen Sunshine Express of Man, Chicks are Different, but I've heard they are decent:

Devil (pretty good)
Buried (really good)
Sunshine Express
Man, chicks are just different

There's so many ideas out there.

If you're just looking for ideas, go to and read, read, read. You'll have more ideas than you'll know what to do with. Lucky for you, they cannot copyright an idea.

It'll then come down to your execution in your writing.

What do you suggest reading on, Sweetie?
You should put together a team of four trusting people...create a genre, and have each person write an act...Act II would be divided into two halves, normally.

Unless you wanted to get really crazy, and get 110 people together and have each one write only one page...

It would be interesting to see how it turned out. :)
You cant really be running out of ideas, do a Sylvester Stallone: write about a poor writer trying to make it big and then change everything from writing into something differant to struggle in (Just not boxing)