Screening/Industry party NY

Hey y'allz.

If any one here is in the NY area and not doing anything particularly interesting on Saturday March 10th;
there's a screening/industry party happening at the Tribeca Grand hotel. My film will be screening with a small program of other films but more importantly, it's my semi-official birthday party. And even MORE importantly, it's a pretty rad little networking opportunity for anyone who cares for that sort of thing.
Tickets are $10, available online only.

And no, I make nothing off tickets so it's not about that for me. My film was an invite and I'm just tryna be a show off is all. And hopefully meet some cool new people who know to take that last sentence as a joke.

Anthony Cortez Fernandez

Click the rad pyro bear flyer for all the info on the event yo. Hope to see some you there.
