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watch Scrabble: The Motion Picture

Please view my short film Scrabble: The Motion Picture below:


It was made entirely is just one week for Campus Moviefiest, and beat out 5000 entries to win Best Picture at the Northern Regional Finale, along with Best Comedy at the International Grand Finale. The judging panel was made up entirely of celebrities including Amy Ryan, Rip Torn, Jon Cho, and James Cromwell.

On a side note, it was shown at Sundance this year as part of a Campus Moviefest presentation, and Bill Gates said that he liked it, which is extremely funny.
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Loved it. There was definitely a bit of cheese, but I like me some cheese. There were a healthy number of really funny bits, too. Good job.

Oh, and welcome to the forum, I hope you stick around :)
amazing!!! haha...I got a bigger rise out of it cause I live in Norton so seeing Bridgewater in any kind of film is exciting haha...We must keep in touch...Id love to collaborate on something with you...Im an aspiring film composer looking for my first film to put music too...let me know...once again...great job
I love this short...it has a very talented actor and good friend of mine in it: Alex Lewis (the crazy Russian leader).

Is that you Alex? Boss, what is your relation to this film?